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What Kendal Maths Tutors offer
Personal 1 to 1 Mathematics tutoring for all ages
Primary through to A level
Small classes for up to 5 GCSE or A Level students
Maths Homework Club for Primary ages
This can be arranged either on line or here in Kendal in person or a mixture of both.
"So pleased to let you know that E received the most improved mathematician award in her year group," S from Kendal.

"Mary is a fab teacher."
S from Oxenholme
"Thank you so much for all your hard work and support with A’s maths tutoring. The difference in her confidence and enjoyment for the subject has been huge, not to mention the significant progress she showed in her recent year 10 mock exams after only 1/2 a term of support. Amy feels this is due to your calm and knowledgable approach and all the different techniques and visual strategies you have shown her to support her learning. We just wish we’d found you sooner!"
M from Carnforth
"Thanks for all your help, Mary."
S from Kendal
"She loved her first lesson and can't wait for her next!"
S from Windermere